Ribollita is, no doubt, one of the most typical dishes of Tuscany, it is a semi-solid soup prepared with stale bread, black cabbage and beans, very common in Florence. Its origins are very ancient and symbolize the Tuscan gastronomic tradition, of poor and peasant origin. Do you want to learn how to do it? Our chef Carlos Curasma shares his recipe.
LA RIBOLLITA (per 6 people)
Tuscan stale bread: 400g
Dried cannellini beans: 400g
Black cabbage: 400g
Savoy cabbage (half a ball): 700g
Leaf chard: 300g
2 medium potatoes
1 tablespoon of preserves (or 300 g of peeled tomatoes)
Pepolino (thyme)
Smells (1 onion, 2 garlic cloves, 2 celery stalks, 2 carrots)
Extra virgin olive oil
Salt and black pepper
Cook the beans soaked the night before in 2 liters of slightly salted cold water, pass about ¾ of them and put the puree thus obtained in the cooking broth.
In a large pan, brown the chopped onion and garlic in 8 tablespoons of oil, as soon as they wilt, add a little pepolino (not much), carrots and celery slices. After a while add the potatoes and the remaining clean vegetables, washed and cut into small pieces; add also the preserve diluted in a little hot water (or the peeled), salt and let stew for a few minutes. Then pour all the broth from the beans and cook slowly for about an hour, adding water if necessary. In the end, add the whole beans too. Cut the bread into thin slices and put them in the soup, mix well, cook for a few minutes and remove from the heat. Leave to rest for a long time (even one night), then “boil” for a few minutes, adding a little oil. Serve it hot or warm, with a drizzle of raw oil and freshly ground pepper and absolutely no cheese.