In its 15th edition, the Estate Fiorentina is back in Florence with a series of events that will liven up the city until September 2023.
Music, cultural debates, art exhibitions, itinerant tours to discover Florence, literary festivals and talk shows. A set of original proposals for a summer dedicated to creativity and entertainment.
Until September 15, there will be concerts of the “Sagrati in Musica sotto le stelle”. The festival consists of 23 free appointments ranging in various musical genres: from classical to jazz, passing through rock and electronic music but all based on an education in conscious listening with the aim of removing degradation from the churchyards of the churches involved: anti Michele e Gaetano, Santa Felicita, Sacra Famiglia, Santa Maria del Carmine, sagrato Misericordia Piazza Duomo, Isolotto e Santa Croce.
There’s also space for body expression with “Florence Dance Festival”, the event dedicated to the world of dance, now in its 34th edition and organized by the homonymous cultural association. From June 18 to July 20, the Chiostro Maggiore of Santa Maria Novella will become a large arena for the occasion in which music, art and movement will come together in a concept of “total theatre” to give life to a calendar full of events with the involvement of international companies and the space for the limelight of young debutants.
For those who love to see the city from another perspective, “Florence from above” arrives again this year. The series of initiatives tell the story of the city from the unprecedented and privileged views of the roofs and terraces of its buildings. Concerts, talks, performances, and guided tours with an engaging and immersive stratigraphic story from the end of June to September: 10 meetings, 10 points of view, 10 different experiences of cultural production and fruition to tell the story of today’s and tomorrow’s Florence in its relationship with the territory, the communities, and the challenges of the contemporary world.
The places chosen for 2023 are: Antica Torre Tornabuoni Rooftop, San Salvatore a Monte, Terrazza del Palazzo della Borsa, Limonaia Strozzi, Forte Belvedere, Terrazza Caffè del Verone, Terrazza Osservatorio Arcetri, Villa Bardini, Manifattura Tabacchi and Torre della Zecca.
You can find the full program of the Estate Fiorentina on the website: